1 Samuel 2:
18-20, 26
3: 12-17
Luke 2: 41-52
How one
reads this gospel story depends on whose eyes you choose to look though.
Seen from
the perspective of Jesus, it is a quaint tale from his childhood, the only
story from his childhood in the whole New Testament.
It shows
that his greatness was evident from about the age of 12 certainly.
His wisdom
and insight was amazing the priests and scribes in the Temple even at this
early age and his unbroken perfect relationship with God is also evident when as
way of explanation for him not being with Mary and Joseph on their return to
Nazareth says,
“Did you not
know I must be in my Father’s house?” referring to God as his Father even then.
Have you
ever been in a crowded store with your children and you look around and they
are gone – you are separated – and the feeling of blind panic that comes over
Every worst
case scenario goes through your mind from them being kidnapped by a paedophile
to them feeling so lost and alone they panic and run out the shop into the road
to be crushed by traffic.
The sense of
relief when you find them is probably the only thing that stops you giving them
a damn good hiding for wandering off in the first place.
They’d been
looking for Jesus in great anxiety.
And they
didn’t understand his explanation either.
Our version
of the story says that Mary treasured all these things in her heart but that is
not apparently an accurate translation of what Luke actually wrote.
Actually she
“keeps” these things, as you do when you have experiences like that. They stay
with you and you keep re-playing them over and over again.
Our own
spiritual journey can feel just like Mary and Joseph looking for signs of Jesus
or God in our lives.
Even when we
think we have all our ducks in a row, something can happen and suddenly we
cannot find God in our life and we have to look for Him again in great anxiety.
Trying to
find Him in our crowded lives is our private spiritual quest – looking for
The comfort
we can gain from this story is that He was(!) found eventually. But you have to be
looking. You won’t find God unless you are actively looking.
Even when
you find Him, you might not completely understand what He tries to tells you
but relief at finding Him at all far outweighs that sense of incomprehension –
like finding a lost child.
My strong
advice is that if and when you do sometimes lose sight of Him, don’t give up the
He is there
waiting for you to find Him.. From His perspective He is exactly where He is
meant to be – in His Father’s house.
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