As well as being the 22nd Sunday after Trinity
this Sunday is also designated “Bible Sunday” in the church of England.
The Bible is a magisterial collection of books that are
central to Jewish and Christian religion. In fact the Law (the first five books
of the Hebrew scriptures) and the psalms are also reckoned to be part of the Muslim
canon of Holy Scripture.
I have written and so have thousands of others about the
Bible but what was the purpose of it?
I would say that the whole purpose of the Hebrew scriptures
was to galvanise a community, to teach them how to live together in harmony, to
live according to the will and purpose of God. In that respect the Christian
New Testament carries on that raison d’ĂȘtre.
The community, the people of God, Israel, the people that
struggled with God was all important to the Jews. Salvation itself was
communitarian. Israel was saved together or not at all, a completely different
approach to our highly individualised understanding of salvation (the “I am
saved” approach, which is our modern individualistic approach of Western
society being projected onto the Bible) and this community emphasis is carried
on in the ministry of Jesus. In fact you could say that Jesus didn’t bring
anything new to the faith but amplified various teachings already there in the
The two instructions that make up the Jesus Golden rule of
Loving God and loving your neighbour were already there in the Bible in
different places, but Jesus brought them together.
The Bible is a book that can attract or repel. In modern
times it has repelled as many people as it has attracted, especially with its bloodthirstiness
and supposedly God ordained violence and arcane laws.
For example one of the favourite stories that we tell to
children is Noah’s ark - a homely tale of God ordained genocide against the
entire human race when everyone in the world was deliberately drowned apart
from one family – and we tell it complete with lovely pictures of smiling
giraffes and hippos walking happily two by two into the ark. Once a child
starts to reason, what are they to make of that?
Taken too literally, or without insight, The Bible is a
powerful book which cut off from the community and the context in which it was
written has the potential to be a very dangerous book. Many a lunatic from
David Koresh at Waco to Jim Jones in the Jungle, to organised religions like
the Jehovah’s witnesses and the Moonies to us and the Salvation army and
everything else in-between; we all draw our inspiration from the same book.
So you see interpretation is absolutely key. Interpretation
is everything. When he read the scroll from Isaiah in the synagogue Jesus was
interpreting the Bible by applying it to himself. Because the Bible is so
important and central to Christianity how we read and interpret it is the most
important question for us all.
And central to that question is “Where is God in all these
tens of thousands of words?” How can you discern the Word amongst all the tens
of thousands of words?
Does God sit down and read the Bible story of the flood and
reminisce and chuckle and think, “Yea, that was a good one – I did well there”
Or dare we think that the flood was not ordained by God as a
punishment for sin in the first place despite that interpretation given by the
original writers, but that a possibly actual event deep in the race memory
banks – one already written about in an even older book “the epic of Gilgamesh”
is being used and interpreted by the writers of Genesis to provide a symbolic
story that says something about the human condition?
And what that something also open to interpretation.
Words are symbols that have a hinterland that can represent
a world of ideas. The same word or phrase can be heard differently by a dozen
different people because what they hear is filtered through their own world
view and understanding.
The reason we have someone like me speaking about the
readings on a Sunday morning is that the meaning of most texts are rarely plain
and clear but require an interpretation.
In my interpretation what am I trying to uncover? Well, no
matter what genre of writing I am looking at – a parable, History, poetry, a
letter, the law, a prophesy or whatever it may be I am trying to discern that
still small voice of God, gently speaking to us in the words, through the words
and sometimes beneath and behind the words. I am trying in Biblical
interpretation to discern the Holy Spirit of God speaking to us today. A living
active presence. The breath of God beneath the surface of the stories.
It is that breath that raises dead inert words and gives
them life and makes them useful to a community that is gathered around God and
seeks to see his face and hear his voice. The Hebrew word for Spirit is the
same as for wind or breath – ruach.
When scripture is read in this church the reader is speaking
words that have the capacity to reveal God’s Spirit to people – a living
presence that is not always clear, because God is not so easily pinned down and
neatly packaged.
God is wild and free as the winds we are expecting this evening.
Trying to nail Him down is like trying to catch the wind. You’ll never do it but you can feel the power
in the wind. You know the life giving properties of every breath you take, but
if you try and trap your breath by holding it you’ll die. Neither can we trap
God and cage him or prod him and examine him, but we can try and discern his
presence through nature, through sacrament and through the words brought to us
in the Bible Sunday by Sunday.